Got this little tidbit on the Weedhopper Yahoo Group!
----- Original Message -----
From: Jackye Reynolds
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 8:36 PM
Subject: [weed] Ultralight Aviation
This is a blog for my personal and news related items primarily related to Ultralight Aircraft. You may find me rambling about other things at times.
In 1980, the FAA, for the first time, considered a new approach to handle the "crazy little flying things." Three very uncharacteristic men(for the FAA) were tasked to find a way to handle these new activities that were growing all over the country. FAA did not have the funds, or the will, to chase them all as certified aircraft. This is when they were first called "Ultralight Vehicles". With that potent concept was conceived the nucleus of FAR Part 103.
Mike Sacrey, Art Jones, and Ken Peppard, having been chartered with the edict to find a way to handle crazy little flying things, sat in a room one day and thought. The problem is aircraft and pilots have specific requirements that do not really apply to very light planes. From that came new inspiration, "What if they weren't aircraft? What if no knowledge was required to fly them? Then major parts of the rules would not apply and a very simple set of rules would be enough. We simply need to protect those on the ground. The flyers are taking their own risks with single seat vehicles." And so, Part 103 was conceived.
Our plan is to celebrate FAR Part 103 at the 2010 Sun n' Fun, April 13-20, 2010. This will be the 30th anniversary of the idea, the kernel, that made so much innovation possible. Today hundreds of Ultralight designs exist. These budding ideas have now spawned over 100 new models in Light-Sport Aircraft that would not exist without the brave new approach called Ultralights.
True to the concept, Ultralights have been safe. There have been no identifiable ground injuries that have resulted from Part 103 operations in over 39 years. Being only two pages long, Part 103 is the only FAA regulation to fully meet and exceed its charter.
The Plan
We want to gather as many Ultralights as possible to show their strength. The plan is to meet at Sun n' Fun 2010, April 13-19, 2010. We want new and old, modern and classic. Come join the celebration.
All Ultralight pilots (that is non-N numbered single place vehicles) that register will receive a personalized award and recognition. Slow flying sessions are planned (as weather allows) for morning and evening, briefings are designed to support safe flying.
Yes, Sun n' Fun has always wanted Ultralights to come fly. SnF was the very first event to invite Ultralights and Paradise City has been the home for Ultralights ever since 1982.
Jim Stephenson
Jim Stephenson
Aero Sports Connection, Inc
(Note: This effort is entirely separate from Sun n' Fun and EAA.) manufacturers, do you want to participate? Call ASC at 269-209-1466.