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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Christians Let God Run Their Lives

Well, I would like to start by saying that as a Christian I find it odd that everyone I run into in this area say that they are Christian as well. Yet, they live as they please. I believe that comes from a basic misunderstanding of what it means to be a Christian or to quote “know Christ”. So to get this off my chest I have chosen to write a little about the issue and post it on my blogs.

To start, we need to know more specifically what we are saved from when we become a Christian. People hear us say that you need to be saved from your sins. What does that mean? I believe that is the question most would ask. The truth is that we need saving from ourselves. We sin because our nature is sinful, Not the other way around. So to define sin; it is to miss a defined goal, mission or target. We chose to be sinful because we want to run our own lives. That is to say we want to be our own god, innately. The only person who has the right to be the sole authority in his life is the person who knows all things, sees all things, and can do anything. I mean he even has to transcend time.

Here is the dilemma, we are limited. We can’t possibly set the rules and morals for our own lives because of these limits. None of us are limitless in any area. So we will miss things. This causes us to be wholly in adequate to make decisions without guidelines from the person who does meet these requirements. We must follow the one who can see the course of our lives.

Where we all go wrong is assuming we can be the captain of our own ship. We will be hopelessly lost without a guide. God created us. He is the perfect “Captain”. He has the attributes required to do a good job.

Saying all this, we still find ourselves wanting to be the one in charge. We want to run our own personal universe. That is the sin that we must be saved from. God set the direction for our lives and we walk away thinking that we know more than the One who knows all. It started with Adam and Eve and was handed down through Adam to all of us. We aren’t capable of running a universe, personal or otherwise. To do so, if I may be so bold as to reiterate, requires all knowing, all seeing, and all power. Any time that we choose to walk away from the guidance of The Maker, we sin, and sin against Him.

As the Creator of all, he has the right to run everything. He gave us the choice to follow so that it would be an open relationship. This is the only relationship in which anyone can have a truly loving relationship. That is the reason that we were even given the capability of choosing.

All actions have consequences. Sin separates us from God. See if you don’t want Him to be God you don’t want to relate to Him as He is, so you must be separated from. But if you want Him to be what He is in your life, then He has made a way for the consequence of being sinful to be paid without you being separated from him. Christ handled the payment.

Now, this leaves us where we started. If sinning is missing the mark, and the mark is living with God as the one running our lives, then we must turn from being the ones to determine what is right and wrong and start following God and his guidelines. Christ paid the way so that we could go back to living his way and accepting his right to tell us what to do. That is what it means for him to be Lord. He can run our lives in any way that he sees fit. That even includes the times when you think he is about to destroy it. He has that right but won’t. You must trust that you didn’t need things the way it was or the Lord wouldn’t take things apart. He will put it back together in a better way.

All this to say that if you say you’re a Christian and God isn’t Lord, He isn’t telling you how to live, he isn’t the one you will listen to over anyone, then you need to examine whether or not you just wanted some fire insurance. You just want to go to heaven. After all, heaven is heaven goes everything is run by God. If you don’t want him to run your life here than I don’t understand why you want to go to a place where that is exactly what you’ll have.

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